Lea-Chou, Elaine
Geron Corp.
200 Constitution Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Leadon, Tony
Department Radiation Oncology
101 Manning Drive
UNC Clinical Cancer Center
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Lee, Ki-Young
Dept. Cell Biology & Anatomy Rm 359 HMRB
University of Calgary
3330 Hospital Dr. NW
Calagary, Alberta T2N 4N1 Canada
(403)220-8723 Fax: (403)270-0834
Lefebvre, Diana
Department of Medicine
Banting Building Room 317
100 College Street
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1L5 Canada
Leof, Ed
Department of Cell Biology
Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine
Nashville, TN 37232
Li, Qingwen
The GW Hooper Fouindation, HSW 1501
3rd and paranssus
UC San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143
Lida, Naoko
U. Miami School of Medicine
Dept. Cell Biology & Anatomy R-124
1600 N.W. 10th Avenue Rosensiel Bldg.
Miami, FL 33136
Lidereau, Rosette
Centre Rene Huguenin
Laboratoire d'Oncogenetique
9, Rue Gaston Latouche
92210 Saint-Cloud, France
33 1 47 111696
Lin, Ching-Shwun
Tumor Biology Laboratory, School of Dentistry, UCSF
Room HSW-604
C-635, 513 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143-0512
Lisitsyn, Nicoli
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
P.O. Box 100
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
(516)367-6829 (516)367-8376
Lucas, Joe
Department of Pediatrics
National Jewish Medical & Research Center
1400 Jankson Street
Denver, CO 80206
(303)398-1206 Fax: (303)270-2182
Lund, Kirk
Hematology Oncology Division
U. Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, UT 84132
Luo, Kunxin
LBNL Donner Lab
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510)486-5178 Fax: (510)486-6488
Lupu, Ruth
Fax: (847)432-0116
Luqmani, Yunus
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Room 122, Level 2, Jenner Wing G.1
Cramer Terrace, Tooting
London SW17 0RE
United Kingdom
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